Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Todays Scores

Cubs 8
Mets 1

Roy Orbison 9
gyroscopes 2

Max Planck 5
Indian Summer 6

argyle socks 3
chin music 1

the clarinet (for instance) 5
orderliness 2

euphemisms 3
trailing by one with 8 seconds left 2

orchestrated dysfunction 4
Scottsdale, Arizona 0

Rods 3
Cones 8

accelerating into 3rd gear 8
The Sisters Karamazov 7

turpentine hats 12
Mozart's fashion sense 3

writer's block 13
Karen Valentine 7

habeus corpus 8
Chuck Barris 10

running late 4
itchy fingers 6

sportcoats 5
girl trouble 3

Genghis Khan 2
soup 9


Anonymous said...

Karen Valentine?!
Ah, man. That's a hazy, lovely memory from the past.
Man, I used to fantasize, hard, about being able to go to school and be in Room 222.

wendy lewis said...

streamsofcoreconsciousness. love this shit you do. guess that's the math that adds up to things balancing on things. woot!