Monday, July 23, 2012

35 Year High School Reunion ?!

Well it finally came to the big night this past Saturday. Been going to these reunion committee meetings for a year now.  
The night was a raging success. Lots of old friends there - a good time had by all.  

Here's just a few of the hundreds of photos taken that night.

 Kim, Stacey and Vicki getting ready to welcome ex-classmates..

Here's your reunion committee . . .

Group photo attempt. Most of us, anyway.

Dancing!  Soul Train Line Style. 

More dancing. kinda.  photos of dancing usually suck, i think.  (Notice me in the background "getting down" as they say.) 

Ken stares down the camera as Ruth barefoots.

Me & Vicki Miller, my old tennis partner!

Myself and Dave seen here behind the mix board, pulling the strings.

Four of the crazier ones in our class.  Kelly, Carrie, Ruth & Janie.

Yours truly trying to keep the dance floor full. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Coleman, just tried to email you, must be an old addy, bounced back as undeliverable. Can you give me a call? Want to ask you for permission to show Uso Justo in Milwaukee. And ask you to send a dvd copy, since I only have it on VHS. Also, can you get 3 dates for my friends?

Anyway, the screening is at a supersexy venue, the lovely Calatrava wing of the Milwaukee Art Museum--a kinetic building! -Kathy 414-378-9157