Saturday, May 31, 2008

Scenic views of Elgin, IL

As I wrote in an earlier post, I came across some old family photos recently. This one's of my grandparents on my father's side (go figure). Here we see Martha And Frank enjoying a late night game of "How Many Orifices Can I Fill With Cigarettes?". As per the rules of How Many Orifices Can I Fill With Cigarettes? the loser is obligated to hit the winner in the head with a bottle. The "winner" is only allowed to use their upper arms to try and block the blows to his or her head. It's a weird game yes, but i think it explains alot.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Unidentified Male

Was back home for a few days this weekend (road trip = good for the soul) and found some old family photos so you might be seeing these in the coming futre. (in the future you can't use the same letter twice in one word).
Here's one of my mom in college with some guy. First off, nice framing here. I'm not kidding, I think it adds to the shot.
I have no idea who unidentified male is and no nothing of their relationship, but the smirk on my mom's face speaks volumes don't ya think?
I like to believe this is how she felt in general about dating guys before she met Artie. (or Dad as he is know by some.)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

how this thing got it's name

Was looking through some old journals last night and thought this might be relevant to the blog

Monday, May 12, 2008

Random lines from the idiot box last night between 9:15 and 9:30 or Class: The Most Interior Room

David Zelisky's been kidnapped.
Evista should not be taken with estrogens.

Oh I love God. He's so deliciously evil


The most interior room in it's class

I went out to get groceries. When i came back David was gone.

In this fast paced world isn't it nice

Just $209 a month

an american revolution


1. Law & Order
2. evista ad
3. Stewie from Family Guy
4. NBC promo for Law & Order SVU
5. Hyandai? ad
6. Law & order
7. KFC ad
8. toyota ad
9. Chevy ? ad
10. NBC promo for ER

Monday, May 5, 2008


Pepin, Wisconsin

This Saturday night (May 10) I've been invited down to Pepin, WI to show some films at their Spring Film and Music Event.
The band Happy Apple is playing after the films and i hear they are pretty good so check it out if you are in the area.
The event is being sponsored by the fine folks at the Lake Pepin Art & Design Center and takes place at the Pepin Lion's Club! I could use a night at a Lion's Club. And who knows..maybe about 2 in the morning we'll have a carload of drunk Lions & film fans driving across town to the Elk's Club to paint "Elk Suck - Lion's Rule!!" on the side of their building.
Of course i'm not promising anything and as a disclaimer I personally have nothing against Elk. Really. Some of my best friends are Elk.

ADDENDUM: Just got a call from the folks in Pepin,WI and the venue has been changed to
The Lake Pepin Art & Design Center (408 Second Street...715.442-4442 ). Something about not being able to sell beer or wine at the Lion's club. I'm glad we got that settled.