Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Celebrating the Stupid (#1 in a series?)

some ideas are just so stupid they might actually work. then again. . . . was recently leafing through some old sketch/workbooks and came upon this. now it must have been something i thought had something (validity?) because i spent the time to spell it out on a whole page..
my only notes were on the preceding page..."comedy skit..wetnurse horse - old female horse feeds a different starving foal each week. Hilarious. But play it serious?"
and this . . .
"si-nop'sis : The McMiller's live on a farm in Battletown, Kentucky with their horse, Esmerelda"


i can see the pitch .."you see it's like Lassie meets My Friend Flicka meets Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman meets Mrs. Ed. It's an in your face drama which exposes one of the major issues of our time - Starving Baby Horses! Did you know that for every starving baby horse in the world there are 327,ooo tons of oats! Why are these baby horses starving??!! and what can we do?
two words . . .Wetnurse Horse. That's all i'm saying.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Less of the same, please.

Humanity Series # 22 - From hunters and gatherers to drivers and shoppers in 2,000 years'good porn name : Magic Wand&spaghetti western relationship . . .A Fistful of Honesty J26 characters in a world they didnt invent<LI'm not ashamed to admit it..through creative business tactics and a keen sense of the market, i was able to become a multi-thousandaire by the time i was 40. And so can you!"Celebrity marriage wagering . ..whats the over/under on Bradjelina? bThe Greatest Story Never ToldY guy falls in love with a photographer named Iris wseemingly disorderB
jE r n i e Kovacs, J e r r y Garcia & D o c k Ellis j
xpress AbstRactionisM!S if human nature tended toward contentment we'd still be living in caves} Special OccasionseHumanity Series # 47 - Curious For A Reasoni Haywire Wayside bZen and the Art of Motorcycle AccidentsVFictitious Dieties . .(where do we begin?)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Self Promoting, shamelessly

OK, OK..i have to make this short..need to go scrape some doors over in Edina. (it's a living) I have 4 films playing at the Walker on the 29th of November. And it's free. Check it out. of course you can always click the link over to the right and watch one of them online, but it's much, MUCH more fun to watch it in a crowded theater. trust me.
And doesn't "Festival of Appropriation" sound much better than "Celebration of Swiped Imagery"?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Slow News Day

here's a very short test for the F of it. this piece was quite a bit longer but I guess i need to keep 'em under 100 mb to get it up on this site. damn. need to figure out these compression rates..the extended dance version of this is much funnier...hopefully there will be more..